

Disturbed is an application designed by iBlackpen. Disturbed was first published on . Disturbed is available on Steam.Disturbed is an adventure/horror visual adventure, inspired by experiences of depression and addiction. All visuals are hand-drawn to express personality and a sense of horror. Play as Von, a farmer who struggles to manage a failing...

Disturbed Review

Disturbed is an application created by iBlackpen. Disturbed was first published on . The app is accessible for Steam.

Disturbed is an adventure/horror visual adventure, inspired by experiences of depression and addiction. All visuals are hand-drawn to express personality and a sense of horror. Play as Von, a farmer who struggles to manage a failing farm. You come to a point where there is no more hope, and you must do something. You figure that you will die and it is just a matter of how and where. What difference is there to make? What can a simple farmer do? Only you can answer these questions. If you enjoy this short adventure, consider purchasing the sequel!